Contact Details

King Edward VI Northfield School for Girls
Turves Green
B31 4BP

Telephone: 0121 464 8346

If you wish to request a paper copy of any of the information on our website, or for other queries from Parents or members of the public, please contact Miss S Killeen on the email the address above.

Headteacher: Mr N Jones

Chair Of Governors: Mrs L Brookes, c/o King Edward VI Northfield School for Girls, Turves Green, Northfield, Birmingham, B31 4BP

King Edward VI Northfield School for Girls is part of the King Edward VI Multi Academy Trust (MAT)
A Charitable Company Limited by Guarantee and Registered in England and Wales, Company Number: 10654935
King Edward VI Academy Trust Birmingham
Foundation Office, Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham B15 2UD
Telephone: 0121 472 1147

Admissions Arrangements

Click here to see our Admissions Information

School Uniform

Click here to see the School uniform page

Ofsted Reports

Click here to go to the School Latest Ofsted Report

Exam and assessment results

2023 Headlines

Progress 8-0.17
Attainment 842.33
Pupils achieving Grade 5 (Good Pass) or better in English & Mathematics35%
Pupils achieving Grade 4 (Standard Pass – old C) or better in English & Mathematics56%
Pupils Average English Baccalaureate Point score3.73
Pupils achieving a Good Pass in the English Baccalaureate19%
Pupils achieving a Standard Pass in the English Baccalaureate26%
Pupils entering the English Baccalaureate54%
Pupils staying in education or going into employment for at least 6 months – 202193%

Performance tables

Note – Only 2022 & 2023 Data exists for King Edwards VI Northfield School for Girls – Click here for the Data

Click here for previous Turves Green Girls’ School Data


Information about the curriculum content for each subject and any other additional information can be accessed here.

Remote education

Click here to view our Remote Learning provision

Behaviour policy

Click here to find the School’s Behaviour Policy

Pupil Premium & Recovery Premium

Click here to find the Pupil Premium & Recovery Premium Strategy

Equality objectives

Click here to see the School Equalities Duty Statement and Targets

Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

Click here to view our SEND information

Click here to find out School’s SEND Policy

Careers programme information

King Edward VI Northfield School for Girls is committed to providing a comprehensive and planned programme of impartial careers education and advice led by Mr. Keylock.

Click here to view our Careers information

Complaints policy

Click here to find our Complaints Procedure Policy

Click here to view our Whistleblowing Policy

Annual reports and accounts

Click here to see the School of King Edward VI Trust’s Governance Documentation

Click here to see the King Edward VI Northfield School for Girls financial benchmarking page

Executive pay

Click here to view the King Edward VI Trust’s Executive Pay information

Gender pay gap information

Click here to see the King Edward VI Trust’s Gender Pay Gap information

Trustees’ information and duties

Click here to see the King Edward VI Trust Scheme of Governance

Click here to see the School’s Governing Body Information

Charging and remissions policies

Click here to find the School’s Charging and Remissions policy

Values and ethos

Click here to see our School’s Values and Mission Statement

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