King Edward VI Northfield School for Girls is governed by a committed team of people who all feel passionately about creating the very best learning opportunities for our students. Between them they have a wealth of experience in education, finance and knowledge of the local community.
Finance, Estate & Resources Committee (Chair), Welfare, Health & Safety Committee and Education Committee
Link Governor to the Maths Faculty
Link Governor to Safeguarding & Child Protection
Lesley was born and educated in Nottingham but she has firm roots in the Northfield area. Whilst the School that Lesley attended in the coalmining region of Nottingham did not have high academic aspirations, she was very fortunate to be taught by an outstanding teacher who recognised her abilities and encouraged her to aim higher. She moved to Longbridge at the age of 18 and joined the Rover Group Management Trainee Scheme, living in a flat on the Bristol Road. She qualified as a Management Accountant whilst working at Rover Group and won a prize for the third highest mark in her examinations with the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. She moved from Rover Group to HSBC Bank and spent fifteen most enjoyable years working in various senior financial management roles within the Commercial Banking sector.
Since 2003, Lesley has been working in the Education sector and her current role as a member of the Executive leadership team at Bromsgrove School involves many aspects of strategic, financial and operational management. Lesley is very aware of how fortunate she has been in her career and recognises that her educational experience has had a significant impact upon both her success and her personal values. She is committed to ensuring that all of our girls at King Edward VI Northfield School for Girls also leave school with skills, confidence and high aspirations for the future.
Lesley enjoys spending time with her husband and children. She also enjoys walking her dog, travel and socialising with her wider family and friends.
Lesley can be contacted via the Clerk –