Yesterday 7HS pupils got very creative with their fruit salads. They were challenged with a food styling task alongside their fruit salad practical,practising safe knife techniques. Wonderful presentation well done 7HS. https://t.co/50tZlexsXj
Year 10 pupils have enjoyed their return to practical this half term with a range of high skill dishes- Choux pastry, creme patissiere and tempered chocolate, to filleting whole seabass for an asian fusion dish. Finally, portioning whole chickens and presenting. Well done 👏🏻👏🏻 https://t.co/gr4k0oIElu
Today we said farewell to year 11, we will really miss them. We are so proud of them and they have done so well in such a difficult year. We really look forward to seeing them at their prom. #leavers2021 https://t.co/9wmKe4KkIM
A huge thank you to Karen Treacy (the mum of one of our year 7s) who donated sweets for our year 11 leavers. After what has been an incredibly tough year, they will enjoy these enormously! https://t.co/lD8JDN1L96
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