The new year 10 GCSE groups have had an excellent start to the year, they have been busy practising their knife techniques, creating Apple Swans with some wonderful outcomes. https://t.co/WVZJCSEE4f
All our PE clubs will begin next week (week beginning Monday the 20th) We can’t wait to have our pupils back enjoying a wide range of clubs with pupils from different years. And we are proud to introduce Saturday clubs, all free of charge, all pupils welcome! #thisgirlcan #KEVIPE https://t.co/ct6Krc2I4g
What a start to the CONNECT-ED Remote Learning Conference last night on Assessment. It was great to hear best practice from other King Edward VI schools. We are looking forward to the rest of the sessions over the next couple of weeks. https://t.co/FoiY0Fo8Wu
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