Thank you to @AliOliverYST CEO of the Youth Sport Trust who came to visit our school and speak to our pupils today. We were also joined by @danroan from the BBC. Thanks to our pupils who met with them to speak about their involvement and excitement for the commonwealth games 🏅 https://t.co/YkRQVdppxJ
WE DID IT! It was hot and hilly but with Mrs. Prescod’s words of wisdom on our backs, we supported each other right to the end! Well done to all our wonderful pupils who took part and thanks to everyone for your support!! 💕#onestepatatime https://t.co/mEFowqEvrv
Well…what a couple of nights! We could not be more proud of this group of pupils! Dedication, hard work, friendship and teamwork has turned in to the most amazing show! Sister Act Jr. Well done to all the pupils involved and thanks to everyone who came to support @mtishows https://t.co/sIPfeOEiLb
Looking forward to our final Sister Act Jr. Performance tonight. Pupils in the cast need to be back at 6:15pm please…show starts at 7pm! Think there may have been some confusion so apologies!
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