Year 10 GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition have had a busy start to the year this half term portioning chickens and filleting fish. Pupils plated up a range of highly presented dishes, with accompaniments demonstrating a variety of preparation skills. Well done to all! 👩🏻‍🍳🍗🐟 https://t.co/R3Lbo6x6AC
Year 7 got creative in Food Science today with their fruit salads. Pupils practised their bridge hold and claw grip safe knife techniques, to achieve their final creations. Well done to all 👩🏻‍🍳🍎🥝🍌🍊🍐 https://t.co/ExN3QT469k
Year 11 GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition had their final practical before their GCSE Practical Assessment this week. They were tasked with shortcrust pastry quiche and presenting to a high standard within 1 hour. Lots of fantastic creative final dishes, well done!#foodstyling https://t.co/PGCJS01HoF
Aspire students visited Aston University to experience what life is like at university. This included a tour of the campus with current university students, Q&A with student ambassadors and sessions within a university lecture theatre. Thank you to @AstonUniversity https://t.co/BMVbumlK9I
We are really excited to share with you that Jaeda-lei Year 11 has been selected onto the 2023 Tumbling Junior programme at British Gymnastics. This is a fantastic achievement that we think should be celebrated and wish her all the best! @BritGymnastics https://t.co/yeOfJp4gnA
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