Our most recent Ofsted inspection was November 2024, and we remain ‘Good’. You can download and read the report in full and visit the Department for Education schools comparison website to compare our school to other schools both locally and nationally.

King Edward VI Northfield School for Girls performs well when compared to other schools across the country, and to other schools with a similar intake. We are performing better than the national average overall, and significantly better in English and Science. In English we are in the top quintile, which means we are amongst the top attaining schools nationally.

Compare our school to other schools both locally and nationally

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Ofsted Report

Please click the button below to view the full Ofsted reports:

Alternatively, you can view the School’s Ofsted page HERE.

“Behaviour is good. Students are courteous, polite and helpful. They enjoy coming to school, feel safe and receive good guidance and support from teachers.”


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